Utar's Roar

One-Handed Axe

Crafted Axe that has 4 random Magic Properties.

Crafting Ingredients

Note: Some of the required ingredients can only be found in Reaper of Souls.

Guaranteed Stats

Level 70 stat ranges shown below.


  • 1862.9–2209.4 Damage
  • (1230–1448)–(1636–1951) Damage
  • 1.30 Attacks per Second
Primary Stats
  • +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Cold Damage
  • Cold skills deal 15–20% more damage.

+4 Random Magic Properties

Flavour Text

"Utar's mighty blade was colder than the bitterest winter chill, hewn from the never-melting ice of the summit of Mount Paolarr." — Chronicles of the North

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